Cate Hayes

Cate is an author of literary fiction, illustrated children’s books, self help, motivational works and poetry.
Cate Hayes has an academic background as an Art Historian and Public Historian. Cate has been involved in international research projects. Cate’s creative output includes musical albums and art work.
Cate has an MBA and has an interest in business development research and publishing under the brand of 
Cate Creations
Create Dream Believe Achieve

So Much More by Cate Hayes

Cate is well educated, having two masters degrees in history and art history as well as bachelor in archaeology and art history, plus graduate studies in creative writing and has begun a PhD. Her academic background has infused her love of writing and has drawn much inspiration from traveling into her works, as well as the local environment of the Australian ocean’s. Cate has many physical challenges which she uses as a force behind her running. Cate first began running seriously in the memory of her father, defying the odds and currently continually improves her abilities to inspire others on their health and fitness journey.

Present Projects

Cate is currently completing two novels, blogging, creating more music and improving her physical health and strength. Cate strives to help other’s with products and services and is currently looking for opportunities and feed back on how to serve the community and individuals with her services and products.